Improve communication with estate management software.

Of the many new terms that entered the common vernacular in 2020, “pivoting” was certainly one of the most popular. In that context (having the collective rug ripped out from under us), the word was basically a polite way of describing the frantic measures businesses in nearly every arena were taking to stay afloat. Two and half years into the pandemic, things are far from the normal we’re used to but they have settled into some sort of a rhythm. The meaning of pivoting has changed as well in that it no longer signifies desperation but an opportunity to upgrade and become an industry leader.  If you’re in the property management field and managed to get through covid by making minor changes, you might want to consider integrating more advanced digital tools, including an all-in-one platform, into your best…

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Paper to Platform to Practice with Estate Management Software.

During times of uncertainty there are several effective measures we can employ to ease stress, from taking better physical care of ourselves to reducing our intake of (mostly negative) news. One of the most critical things we can do, however, is take control of what is in our purview – including the management of our estate, paper to platform to practice with estate management software as this allows us to feel more secure about both the present and the future. If the mere thought of a deep dive into your finances makes your blood pressure rise, here are some steps you can take to turn the best practices you’ve read about into reality. Paper.  This will no doubt be the most daunting part of the process, especially if you’ve been lax about managing your estate thus far. One of…

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Estate Management Software For Hands-Off Principals.

In past posts we’ve discussed how a growing number of principals are taking the reins of their estates, and the many ways in which technology facilitates the collaboration between them, their estate managers, and the rest of the staff without the need for micromanagement. Yet there are plenty of principals who still prefer to take a back seat and let others run their day-to-day. This is when estate management software for hands-off principals can help. Maybe they don’t have time for anything else on their plate; maybe “home” – whether that is one residence or three – is the only place they don’t have to manage anything but Netflix and a midnight snack. Or, maybe they just are on technology overload and are happy with the occasional update over the phone or in person when they’re in town. If…

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