Optimize Your Property & Asset Performance with Preventative Maintenance.

In uncertain economic times, finding ways to save money is more important than ever. And when you think of your assets of value, you may think of investments – stocks, bonds, or trusts. But there is another type of asset to consider: non-financial assets such as properties, art, cars, jewelry, and appliances. These non-financial assets don't always come to mind, but they actually hold quite a bit of value. Plus, they are often essential components in everyday life and must be adequately maintained for optimal performance. Because when these assets are not functioning at their best, it can cost you in the form of repair bills and lost time - not to mention the potential danger of faulty appliances or vehicles. Preventative maintenance is essential - helping you extend your assets' life and save money in the long run.…

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Your Spring Property Maintenance Prep.

Spring is right around the corner, and for property managers it brings a whole new spring property maintenance to-do list that encompasses not only the house and out-outbuildings but the entire property.   People often focus on winterizing the home – making sure the pipes don’t freeze and the roof is strong enough to withstand a heavy snowfall.  There is an energy of going into hibernation – and preventing problems before they occur, especially if it’s a residence such as a beach house that is not used during the winter months. Preparing for the spring, on the other hand, is more of an exciting process in anticipation of all that season has to offer –  whether you love planning outdoor dinner parties or simply looking out the window at your favorite flowers and trees. However, it takes a lot of…

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Evolution of Property Management for Private Service Professionals.

The events of the past few years have ushered in a new era for property management, one that is far more lucrative and allows for growth within the role. Long viewed as agents of landlords, property managers are increasingly acting as true liaisons between owners and those residing on the property.  This evolution of property management is a result of hardships experienced on both sides during the pandemic – most notably, the inability of many tenants to pay their rent when they lost their jobs or were furloughed – which had to be navigated in order for everyone to thrive. Property managers suddenly found themselves front and center as arrangements were made to make the landlords whole while being sensitive to the plight of those struggling to catch up on their bills. Moreover, the change was not just about…

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