5 Annoying Aspects of Homeownership That Can Be Solved with Property Management Solutions

For decades homeownership was the ultimate goal of most Americans, who viewed it not only as a sign of financial stability but an important milestone like getting married and starting a family.  More recently, especially after the Great Recession, people started to wonder if owning a home was more of an albatross than a life raft. There are good arguments on both sides, but one thing is clear: like most things in life, homeownership is a tradeoff. You have dominion over your space, until the Home Owners Association gripes about the non-native shrubs you planted in the yard. You love the original eighteen-century fireplace, until an obstruction of the chimney draws smoke into the living room on frigid winter night. No matter what else is going on in your life, if there is a problem at home you have…

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Dynamic property management solutions keeping our homes safe.

Remember when we were kids and snow days were something to celebrate?  Better yet, remember this time last year, when being forced to stay home from the office for almost any reason would have been an answered prayer? Now that’s last thing anyone wants, especially since our bosses and teachers can beam into our space via video chat. In the Northeast, this week’s snowstorm brought yet another layer of disruption to daily life – especially in New York City, where the largest snowfall since 2016 led to a mass transit fiasco and a two-day suspension of COVID vaccinations.   For property management companies and others responsible for keeping our homes safe, storms always make a tough job exponentially harder.  Even the smallest untended detail suddenly becomes a potential disaster that could cause tens of thousands in damages and likely…

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Lifestyle management challenges increase when living almost exclusively from inside our homes.

Virtual parties, socially-distanced dinners and masked gift exchanges – however we choose to celebrate this holiday season, one thing’s for sure: it will always stand out in our memories.  And, as with every aspect of life this year, they are bringing out in us an incredible creativity with lifestyle management. Instead of setting places for twelve, families are figuring out what virtual games work best over Zoom. Companies of every size are doing what they can to keep their WFH teams feeling appreciated and motivated – from virtual wine and whiskey tastings to team-building exercises like virtual Escape the Room. And, as they’re finding out, these activities have as many moving parts as any in-person event.    Lifestyles can be challenging to manage even when we’re living it almost exclusively from inside our homes (just ask anyone who’s missed…

Continue ReadingLifestyle management challenges increase when living almost exclusively from inside our homes.