Managing Physical Assets With Technology.

One of the most common problems when it comes to managing physical assets is that people simply don’t know that they have anything to manage. Sure, they love their latest couture gown or new furniture, but they don’t necessary think of these things as part of their portfolio, or stay abreast of their fluctuating values. And that doesn’t begin to cover stuff that’s been stored away and likely forgotten. If it’s been a few years since you ventured into the basement, chances are there is something of value that you need to have appraised, whether it’s the antique chandelier you inherited or the painting by an unknown artist whose is now commanding top dollar for their work.  This becomes much more complicated if you have multiple residences, especially those you don’t spend much time in. Regardless of your circumstances,…

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Preserving Your Legacy & Your Relationship with Your Children

Ask anyone about their financial goals and they will likely tell you that family security tops the list. It stands to reason, then, that HNW individuals have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, this is far from true, especially if your definition of “security” includes the bond among your children.  In fact, according to this twenty-year study, seventy percent of estate plans for well-to-do families “fail,” meaning they result in financial losses and the breakdown of relationships among the heirs. Here are some tips to keep your family intact while staying true to your vision, while preserving your legacy. Respect Their Autonomy. For better or worse, you had your chance to raise your children. Conditioning their inheritance upon specific life choices (i.e. that they get married or join the family business) puts them in the terrible position of having to…

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Lifestyle management solutions can offer clarity across the many facets of our lives.

Our homes used to be our refuge from the world – the place where we decompressed after the stress of the workday and shifted our focus to personal relationships and activities. Now they have become our world, creating an overlap that makes all those conversations about work/life balance seem almost moot.  Who hasn’t seen the ubiquitous photo of family members crowded around the dining room table, each with their own laptop as they hold meetings, attend classes, or type away on documents?  All this togetherness has many people feeling physically and mentally hemmed in. In fact, according to a recent New York Times article, a surprising number of people actually miss their commute because it has effectively erased the line between home and work and robbed them of valuable “me” time.  As a result, people are seeking to recreate…

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