Lifestyle management solutions can offer clarity across the many facets of our lives.

Our homes used to be our refuge from the world – the place where we decompressed after the stress of the workday and shifted our focus to personal relationships and activities. Now they have become our world, creating an overlap that makes all those conversations about work/life balance seem almost moot.  Who hasn’t seen the ubiquitous photo of family members crowded around the dining room table, each with their own laptop as they hold meetings, attend classes, or type away on documents?  All this togetherness has many people feeling physically and mentally hemmed in. In fact, according to a recent New York Times article, a surprising number of people actually miss their commute because it has effectively erased the line between home and work and robbed them of valuable “me” time.  As a result, people are seeking to recreate…

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How Technology Has Pushed Lifestyle Management To The Forefront Of Service Offerings.

It’s easy to forget how “primitive” life was before the 2000s. Just binge an old favorite on Netflix, for example, and you’ll see how many storylines were based on missed connections that would never happen today. Characters lost numbers that would now be stored in their phones, or they made an urgent call only get a home answering machine when today they would simply call the person’s mobile or fire off a text. They remained ignorant (often blissfully so) of world events unless they bought a newspaper or watched the eleven o’clock news, and the workday actually ended when they left the office. As you move on to more recent shows, you’ll see how the first iPhones dramatically changed the landscape again, and even those now look like relics from the Stone Age. How did we ever live without…

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Communication across generations.

You pride yourself on being a great communicator. You can present to any board of directors, woo diverse clients and raise funds for your favorite charities without breaking a sweat. The same feels true when it comes to your children. You’ve bonded during vacations and over their academic triumphs (and failures); you’ve encouraged them to come to you with any problem so you can sort it out together. Yet, when it comes time to talking about your wealth – specifically, what will happen when they inherit it – you may find yourself tongue-tied. Maybe you were raised that talking about money is inappropriate; maybe you don’t want your kids to overly rely on your wealth or let it define them. Whatever the case, current events have reminded us that the time for procrastination is over. Here are some simple…

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