Dynamic property management solutions keeping our homes safe.

Remember when we were kids and snow days were something to celebrate?  Better yet, remember this time last year, when being forced to stay home from the office for almost any reason would have been an answered prayer? Now that’s last thing anyone wants, especially since our bosses and teachers can beam into our space via video chat. In the Northeast, this week’s snowstorm brought yet another layer of disruption to daily life – especially in New York City, where the largest snowfall since 2016 led to a mass transit fiasco and a two-day suspension of COVID vaccinations.   For property management companies and others responsible for keeping our homes safe, storms always make a tough job exponentially harder.  Even the smallest untended detail suddenly becomes a potential disaster that could cause tens of thousands in damages and likely…

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Solutions that empower people to be stewards of their lives and legacies.

Entrepreneur, author and thought leader Jim Rohm once said, “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”   These are wise words, and technically true. However, while we cannot “get” more time, we can “make” more of it with the right guidance. At EstateSpace, we are passionate about providing people with cutting edge digital tools that streamline daily tasks and enable them to live and work with more joy and efficiency.   Recently, EstateSpace was named a finalist for the Family Wealth Report Awards.  To be recognized for one’s work, especially work they are so passionate about, is the highest honor. In this case, it also reaffirms the need for solutions that empower people to be stewards of their lives, assets, and legacies. We know we are measured by our…

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Did You Know: there are property management solutions that allow you to perform several tasks with just a few taps of the screen?

Few professions require you to wear as many hats or juggle as many tasks as property management. A typical day may consist of meeting with architects and contractors about renovations in the morning; looking for an arborist to remove a downed tree in the afternoon; and fielding complaints from tenants throughout. And that’s when things are running smoothly.  You also have to serve as the collections agent when the rent is due; sheriff when someone needs to be served an eviction notice; peacemaker when negotiating between warring tenants; and crisis manager after a significant storm. It’s enough to make you wonder how anyone ever did this job before smart phones and tablets. Clearly, property management is not for the faint of heart, but for those who thrive on a fast-pace and a fair amount of chaos, not to mention…

Continue ReadingDid You Know: there are property management solutions that allow you to perform several tasks with just a few taps of the screen?