Obstacles to a Balanced Lifestyle & Ways to Overcome Them

Everyone, no matter how organized they are, has to work at maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For those who have attained a certain measure of success, this includes managing the needs of hundreds or even thousands of people in their personal and professional spheres. It feels good to be the go-to person in your business and/or family, but as fashion designer Joseph Abboud said, “You cannot be all things to all people.”  Attempting to take care of everything won’t help others – what it will do is leave you feeling depleted and probably resentful as well.  Here are some common impediments to achieving a balanced lifestyle and tips to overcome them. Tips to a Balanced Lifestyle: You spread yourself too thin. Do your employees come to you at all hours for decisions they should be able to make themselves? Do…

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Healthy lifestyle management habits to teach your kids about money.

Five Simple Tips to Teach Your Kids About Wealth History has shown us that wealth of any size can disappear, yet a surprising number of families, including those of ultra-high net worth, don’t engage in succession planning. There are various reasons for this, but the biggest obstacle is a lack of communication between principals and their heirs. Creating a stellar plan is only one part of the process – in order to successfully transfer wealth to your children you must first impart vital knowledge and tools about money. Here are some healthy lifestyle management habits that can help them build financial literacy and implement that plan when the time comes.     Examine your own relationship with money.  Whether you inherited your wealth or created it, before teaching your children healthy financial habits it’s important to understand your own beliefs…

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5 Annoying Aspects of Homeownership That Can Be Solved with Property Management Solutions

For decades homeownership was the ultimate goal of most Americans, who viewed it not only as a sign of financial stability but an important milestone like getting married and starting a family.  More recently, especially after the Great Recession, people started to wonder if owning a home was more of an albatross than a life raft. There are good arguments on both sides, but one thing is clear: like most things in life, homeownership is a tradeoff. You have dominion over your space, until the Home Owners Association gripes about the non-native shrubs you planted in the yard. You love the original eighteen-century fireplace, until an obstruction of the chimney draws smoke into the living room on frigid winter night. No matter what else is going on in your life, if there is a problem at home you have…

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