Organizing Your Home Office.

Once upon a time (before 2020), the “home office” was, for most people, a glorified storage locker for personal paperwork and probably a whole of stuff that they just didn’t want lying around the rest of the house.  Now, with WFH here to stay in one form or another, it has likely become the space where you spend the bulk of your time, so clutter will have much more of an impact on your mood and productivity.  Here are some ways whenorganizing your home office in which you can turn chaos into calm.   Channel Your Inner Marie Kondo.  The organizational guru is best known for using the question, “Does it spark joy?” as a barometer for whether to keep something or toss it. This doesn’t just apply to that unfortunate clothing purchase, but furniture and knickknacks as well. Has…

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Hiring a housekeeper. Here are some things to think about.

Hiring a housekeeper can be a big decision, especially if you grew up with the mindset that you bear the sole responsibility of caring for your own home. You might also have reservations about someone being in your home for eight hours a day or even around the clock. However, as life has gotten more hectic with kids, a business that took off, or perhaps a return to graduate school, you’ve reached a tipping point, where you just know you cannot take on one more thing.  If you’re still on the fence, know that the benefits of having a full-time housekeeper go far beyond sparkling floors and a stocked fridge. It’s about creating an uncluttered space, not only physically but mentally and even energetically.  Decide on Tasks. We’ve all heard the saying, “I don’t do windows” – it dates…

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EstateSpace your own personal assistant app.

In a recent post we covered the ways in which hiring a personal assistant can drastically improve the management of one’s time and therefore the quality of their life and relationships with those around them. For the assistant, however, the demands of the job can make it extremely difficult to carve out mental and physical space for themselves, without a personal assistant app. Most people can say that their work experience largely depends on who they work for, but this is especially true of a personal assistant. You are privy to almost every aspect of your employer’s life and, for better or worse, you see the private person behind the face they present to the world. You also find that the term “job description” is a very loose one indeed.  One minute you might be bringing their clothes to…

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